Wednesday, December 11, 2002

Witty Tales. Faces, Lucky and Unlucky.

The emperor Tamerlane was very superstitious. For example, he placed particular importance on the face that he saw first thing in the morning or at the start of some new enterprise. Some people's faces were lucky, he thought, and some people's faces were unlucky. And woe betide the person whose face Tamerlane considered unlucky.

One day  he was on his way to go hunting, Tamerlane noticed Mullah Nasruddin standing just outside the imperial gates. "Whip that man out of the way," he shouted to his attendants, "and be quick about it! I know he's my minister, but he has one of the most unlucky faces I have ever seen. I don't want his unlucky face to put a jinx on my hunt." And so Tamerlane's attendants whipped Nasruddin, driving him away from the roadside as Tamerlane rode forth.when

As things turned out, the hunt was a success, and Tamerlane returned home laden with all manner of trophies. When he saw Nasruddin in the palace later that day, he greeted him warmly. Nasruddin did not let on that he was still angry about the whipping he had received that morning.

"Greetings, Your Majesty!" Nasruddin said enthusiastically. "May I inquire as to the success of your hunt today?"

"The hunt was a tremendous success!" said Tamerlane proudly.

"Well," said Nasruddin, "I see now that some people's faces really are lucky, while other people's faces are not."

"Yes," said Tamerlane, "that is what I have learned by experience."

"Indeed!" replied Nasruddin. "Today, for example, I learned that my face must be a lucky one because, after looking at me, you enjoyed a successful hunt. As for your face, O Great One, I think it must be one of those unlucky faces to see. That is what I learned by experience."

Notes: I included this story in Witty Tales, version 1 (December 2019): 169. Faces, Lucky and Unlucky.

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